“MINIONE/ŻYJĄCE” / 20th Jewish Culture Festival - Singer’s Warsaw
“Departure” will be presented as a part of a group exhibition “MINIONE/ŻYJĄCE” during 20th Jewish Culture Festival - Singer’s Warsaw.
Spokojna Gallery, st. Spokojna 15 in Warsaw
August 26th - September 2nd, 2023

“Moja żona odeszła z naszą terapeutką, czyli jak zakończyć wieloletni związek i nic przy tym nie poczuć” Come to the premiere and see my set design in action!
Klub Komediowy, st. Nowowiejska 1/3 in Warsaw
March 16, 17, 18, 22 & 31th, 2023

“One Hundres Evenings of Loneliness”“Hands” will be a part of the performative event “One Hundred Evenings of Loneliness” in The Island, Bristol, UK. December 4th, 2022 / 1-4 pm

“SHMOR ZKHOR” / 19th Jewish Culture Festival - Singer’s Warsaw“Hands” will be presented as a part of a group exhibition “SHMOR ZKHOR” during 19th Jewish Culture Festival - Singer’s Warsaw. Spokojna Gallery, st. Spokojna 15, August 27th - September 3rd, 2022

“Time To Go Back Home” On Semptember 29th, 2022 in Galeria Kazamaty, Stara Prochownia SCEK in Warsaw will take place a performative opening of my very first solo exhibition. 
The "Time to go home" exhibition, as well as the musical and performative activity that accompanies it’s opening, are a sentimental return to the artists home, from which she has departed. It is also a comeback to the transverse flute that she larnt to play in her hometown, and since abandoned. At the same time, it is a journey into oneself, confronting one's fears and traumas. An invitation to the table, to a conversation. To coming to terms with what is unfulfilled.
The exhibition is also important to the artist, as it is a transition from a static medium – photography, to the development and continuation of the moving medium – film, which has been present in the artists life for nearly a decade. Zuzanna uses performance in her art for a second time, as well as returning to music, which has been an important aspect of her life from an early age.

Galeria Kazamaty, Stara Prochownia SCEK, st. Boleść 2 in Warsaw
September 29th - November 3rd, 2022


“Zbiór nieskończony” / Fotofestiwal 2022
During the exhibition you will see a few of my photos. Come!
June 9-26th, 2022 

I’m happy to invite you to my performative event “Identity”. During the event I will show my recent film “Hands” and precede it with a performative action. You will also see a performance by Hela Tesla with live music by Jan Szubiak. Media Art Department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, st. Spokojna 15, April 21th, 2022.
Light Move Festival 2022 On September 23-25, 2022 will take place 12. edition of Light Move Festival in Łódź. I will present my project “Awakening” - movie projection on a levitating bed, specially created for the festival. Come!

“POLONAUTKI, czyli Pierwsza Polska Kobieca Misja Kosmiczna”Come to the premiere of “POLONAUTKI” with my costumes - spacesuit constructions! Centrum Teatru i Tańca, st. Bruna 9 in Warsaw, September 11 & 12th, 2021